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Scene 4 (Act 1)

Location: The Great Western Orbitorium


In this scene, Encolpio has crossed the atmosphere to go to the inauguration of the new ambassador from his sub-Division in front of the Western Chair. The Ambassador Camilo Angeles is also Encolpio’s second cousin. During this visit, Encolpio establishes a new plan to import meats into the Northwest through the Great American Wall (one of the few human constructions that can be seen from outer space), which runs across the Mexican Border. In order to do so, he meets with the cartel’s Mexican counterpart -Miss Yolanda- and with Mr. Blair: one of the security officers that patrol the border from the Orbitorium. In the mean time, Ambassador Angeles is having a political discussion with Mr. Anderson (General Secretary of the Western Chair) and with the Mexican Chancellor (who also happens to be Miss Yolanda’s fiancé). While this is happening in the Orbitorium, down on Earth, a political leader from Mr. Villa and Encolpio’s sub-Division –Pre-candidate Guerrero- is giving a public speech about the effects caused by the so-called “War on Meats” on his sub-Division and its inhabitants.   



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